The history of barbeque in America can be tracked back to the four types of BBQ sauce generally used for basting and as a finishing sauce. The four, in order of historical discovery, are vinegar and pepper, mustard, light tomato and heavy tomato. The first or “original” BBQ sauce dates back hundreds of years. It was a very simple form of vinegar and pepper based sauce which originated and is still popular in the coastal plains of North and South Carolina. The second was mustard based heavily influenced by Germans living in SC. Light tomato based sauce is a vinegar and pepper sauce with a bit of ketchup as a sweetener. Lexington, NC is well known for this type. Heavy tomato has molasses or honey added for extra sweetness and is popular all over the US. Of course, each producer adds ingredients to make their sauce special. Rubs add extra flavor and are sometimes used alone without liquid sauce. Enjoy.
The process of pickling was invented to preserve foods, pickles are also made and eaten because people enjoy the resulting flavors. We offer a wide variety of tastes from standards like cucumbers to rarities like quail eggs.
Chow Chow is primarily a combination of cabbage, onions and whatever other stuff the chef had handy in vinegar. It is the Southern version of relish and is great with vegetables and on hot dogs.
The tee shirts are preshrunk 100% cotton. The sweat shirts and hoodies are 50% cotton and 50% polyester. All sizes are unisex. The hats are 100% cotton and are adjustable to fit most everybody.
The soaps are handcrafted by co-owner Tina in the back of the store from all natural ingredients. The lotions are made by the Bates family, with the help of their goats, on their farm in the mountains of Virginia.
Our cobblers are ready to eat from the jar including the breading. A minute in the microwave and the mandatory crown of vanilla ice cream completes the experience.
There are many recipes for hot sauces but the only common ingredient is some variety of chili pepper. Many hot sauces are made by using chili peppers as the base and can be as simple as adding salt and vinegar while other sauces use some type of fruits or vegetables as the base and add the chili peppers to make them hot. Manufacturers use many different processes from aging in containers, to pureeing and cooking the ingredients to achieve a desired flavor. Because of their ratings on the Scoville scale, Ghost pepper and Habanero peppers are used to make the hotter sauces but additional ingredients are used to add extra heat, such as pure capsaicin extract and mustard oil. Other common ingredients include vinegar and spices. Vinegar is used primarily as a natural preservative, but flavored vinegars can be used to attain a different taste.
Jam is a pureed fruit jelled together with sugar. Jelly is a fruit juice boiled with sugar and a jelling agent. A preserve is made from whole fruit and sugar.
We get our honey from local beekeepers. The bees prefer the blooms of the sourwood tree when it’s blooming in August and honey harvested then is the favorite of most mountain folks. Molasses is a Deep South sweetener made from sugar cane. Sugar cane will not grow well in the mountains so sorghum cane was used instead. Our maple syrup comes from Vermont.